Scoop du Jour founder Sophie de Journaliste is a self-professed "magazine whore" whose coffee table is slowly buckling under the weight of her ongoing collection of glossies. She is the proud mother of a tropical house plant named Janet and the family of dust bunnies currently living under her vanity whom she probably speaks to more than she should.
Her hope in creating this column is to put an end to a common practice known as S.P.S (Secret Product Syndrome) by personally inviting Scoop du Jour readers to peer into her boudoir each and every week. Sophie believes in sharing the wealth when it comes to anything that has the power to help others feel beautiful both inside and out. She aspires to change the world one lipstick at a time.
Miss Journaliste hopes that her readers will enjoy getting the scoop as much as she loves dishing it out!
Sophie de Journaliste is a New York City-based columnist.

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all content copyright scoop du jour 2004