On Our Short List
March 16, 2006

We're always making a list (and checking it twice).

But when we try to consult it for the fourth time, we find we've misplaced the napkin we used as a scratchpad.

That's why we were utterly thrilled to discover the brightly colored, task-specific notepads from Snookus. With categories galore, we're actually making up errands to fill these grocery, packing, and pro/con lists.

From the message-ready Someone Called with check boxes for "talks too much" and "wants money" to the magnetic Sitter's Cheat Sheet with areas to jot kiddo's bedtime, allergies, and favorite activities, these stylish paper products remind us to take care of business.

With our newfound organization, we'll never lose anything again.

Except control of how many we buy.

Available online at Snookus.com.

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